US Theme Park Seasonal Attendance Trends

Holiday periods strongly effect the number of people who visit a theme park and the length of queues for attractions. Here's a list to help you choose when to visit a US theme park and avoid the busy peak times:

Lowest Attendance:

  • January (except New Year's Day) until just prior to Presidents' week in February
  • The week following Labor Day until just prior to Thanksgiving week
  • The week following Thanksgiving until the week prior to Christmas

Moderate Attendance:

  • After Presidents' week in February through early March
  • Late April through early June (except Memorial Day weekend)
  • The first part of Thanksgiving week

Highest Attendance:

  • Presidents' week in February
  • Mid-March through Late April ("Spring Break")
  • Memorial Day weekend Mid-June through Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and weekend
  • Christmas week through New Year's Day